Work history

I am a Software Engineer proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, React Native, Node.js, and MongoDB. With a focus on web and mobile app development, I excel in UI/UX design, troubleshooting, maintaining, and deploying robust solutions. At Saaska Software Inc., I contribute to securing childcare management software using React.js and React Native, optimizing architecture, testing, technical support, and enhancing reliability. At SELISE Digital Platforms, I helped create an event booking site with JavaScript, TypeScript, and Next.js. My experience also includes web development at Quantic Dynamics Ltd., where I built responsive websites and implemented search functions. I am proficient in Git, Graph-QL, UI/UX design, and Data Science. Also, I assisted customers as a Computing Advisor at Best Buy. I possess exceptional skills in managing projects, teams, and clients.


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Quantic Dynamics logo.

Quantic Dynamics ltd.

Senior Web Developer

1.2.2019 - 31.5.2022

job location: Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Project's usage:
JavaScript, React.js, Next.js, MongoDB, Firebase, Material UI, Ant Design UI, React-bootstrap, SASS, bootstrap, CSS, GitHub, GitLab, Trello.

• Learned to use SWR with Axios, Crypto.js, and Lodash as well as learned to use cookies and query parameters
• Implementation of Search and sort functions, and manipulation of data from the user by JavaScript
• Experienced using Material UI + Ant Design and SASS altogether
• Customized fully responsive websites with mobile, tablet and desktop views
• Architected for both frontend and backend sides of the app
• Creating asynchronous communication between client and server via REST API, experienced in setting up the server with the database

Main responsibilities:
- designing both frontend and backend side of the app,
- creating an asynchronous communication between client and server via REST API,
- setting up server with database.

Languages: JavaScript, React.js, Next.js.
Database: MongoDB,Firebase.
Styling: Material UI, Ant Design UI, React-boostrap, SASS, boostrap, CSS.
Version Control System: GitHub,GitLab
Issue trancing: Trello.


Selise Digital Platform logo.

Selise Digital Platform

Software Engineer

1.6.2022 - 5.9.2022

Project: Sunrise-club (, an Event booking site for the Telco (Sunrise) user of Switzerland

job location: Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Project's usage:
JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js, MongoDB, REST APIs, Storyblok CMS, Material UI, Ant Design UI, React-bootstrap, SASS, bootstrap, CSS, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Trello

• Learned Next.js at the enterprise level, the pros, and cons of using Next.js to maintain URL redirection
• Created a website with high security and maintained a web firewall
• Learned to implement OAuth 2 + OIDC and learned to implement Adobe Analytics
• Experienced using Material UI + React-Bootstrap and SASS
• Proficient in using logger in the project, Building API in Next.js, implementing Storyblok CMS, MongoDB database
• Practiced using SWR with Axios, Crypto.js, and Lodash as well as learned to use cookies and query parameters

Project's specific works:
• Maintained URL redirect with WAF (Web Application Firewall) in the production site. Creating an API & middleware through Next.js
• Maintained 3 test environments and helped my peer with fixing up commit history on the main branch in our project
• Created documentation with code standards of the codebase of our project, Implementing CSS modules into our main project
• Constructed a complete language translation system

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js.
Database: MongoDB, Firebase.
Styling: Material UI, Ant Design UI, React-boostrap, SASS, boostrap, CSS.
Version Control System: Git, GitHub, GitLab
Issue trancing: Trello


Saaska Software logo.

Saaska Software Inc.

Software Engineer and Technical Support Assistant

05.4.2023 - 14.6.2024

Project: esiKidz (,
Software solution for childcare institution management.

job location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Project's usage:
JavaScript, React.js, React Native, node.js, REST APIs, MySQL, SASS, CSS, Git, GitHub, GitLab, Trello, Jira
• SAAS development by React.js & React Native at the enterprise level
• Specialize in developing and managing secure web and mobile apps
• Learning data science by creating apps for web crawling, data extraction, and manipulation
• Creating & practicing various libraries for data extraction, filtration, and React UI styling
• Experiencing AWS Lambda, S3-Bucket, MySQL, and other related technologies
• Developing multiple internal applications & custom libraries to support the software system in efficiently managing clients

Project's specific works:
• Working collaboratively in a team to maintain the overall architecture and develop a highly scalable system integrated with ReactJS & React-Native APPs, communicating via Node JS API services
• Performing optimization of developer toolchain to support instant provisioning of new services and infrastructure, fully automating the deployment, and minimizing development friction
• Designing and implementing to improve software's reliability, scalability, performance, and security
• Supporting Business Development and Marketing by creating internal software to enhance tasks
• Performing software testing, improving existing systems, and adding new features
• Creating and maintaining documentation on test and development operations
• Demonstrating the system to new customers and technical support to existing customers

Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, React.js, Next.js.
Database: MongoDB, Firebase.
Styling: Material UI, Ant Design UI, React-boostrap, SASS, boostrap, CSS.
Version Control System: Git, GitHub, GitLab
Issue trancing: Trello,Jira

Virtual Health Hub logo.

Virtual Health Hub

Software Developer

01.8.2024 - Present

Project: Virtual Health Hub (,

Advanced Virtual Care Technology
Advancing healthcare delivery through wearable device technology for virtual care.

job location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.